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‘Mile Sur Mera Tumhara’..What ‘sur’?

January 30, 2010

The new ‘Mile Sur Mera Tumhara‘ is an effrontery to say the least! It depicts insolence for an otherwise noble thought. Many years back, this was the song that defined Natonal Integrity. The newer version, when watched in ‘mute’ ON, would make one wonder if it is a song that National Integrity. There are certain things that should not be attributed to glitter and glamor. National Integrity is one such thing!

While everyone that appeared in this newer version is a legend in one’s own right, it also brings out a question if the producers did not find any category other than films to depict National Integrity. Remaking songs like ”Mile Sur..” hold a much greater responsibility than what was evident from the newer version. I do not understand why, time and again, the North Eastern states are snubbed. People in Kashmir would not attribute themselves to ‘Integrity’ just because a few photos of Dal Lake were shown in the video. It would need a common sense to say that the newer one is at no par with the original version in depicting a very noble thought.

Forget about the North Eastern states, the song did not even represent the culture of the ‘Mainland’ (though I hate to use this word). I would recommend the version made by MIT students, instead. It can be found here. The producers of the new Mile Sur song could not even capture half of what the Non-Resident Indians visualized in their vide0.

I sincerely appreciate the effort of everyone who had been a part of the new ‘Mile Sur’ for their pursuit of a noble thought. But, alas! I would rather dump this noble thought than film it in a very biased way!

Before I sign-off, kudos to the Original version!!

9 Comments leave one →
  1. January 30, 2010 10:00 pm

    where is the video dude, link please 🙂

  2. pkm permalink
    February 1, 2010 7:26 pm

    New Milesur:



    Oldie-Goldie Version:

    Compare people..Older version iss pristine, touching and simply the best.

    Newer version SUCKS!!

  3. February 7, 2010 12:07 pm

    The old one is much better. The new one looks more of a Bollywood flick with all the actors in it.

  4. Priya permalink
    February 9, 2010 8:09 pm

    I agree.
    The old version has more SOUL to it.

  5. February 10, 2010 1:30 am

    Old version rocks anyday! 😉

  6. May 26, 2010 12:59 am

    The irony is, people just want to do it, without even giving a thought t whether they are doing a justice to it. Here I would differ slightly more, even in the original version not all the states were given their due. So its just a continuation of injustice !!!

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